A Unique Marine Venue Focused on Edutainment, Filming, Research, Engineering and Conservation...


Immersive media, allows people to interact with the content on another level. Rather than just passively viewing a video or series of images, our immersive media can create an environment which allows the audience to control the stories that are being displayed.

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The Ocean Surface is what dictates not only our global weather, but also its health. The surface feeds and sustains the depths. It is the surface that carries, mixes, distributes and dumps its zillions of microscopic larval forms from which will develop directly or indirectly, almost every single marine species of organism that has ever, and will ever exist.

The surface supports and supplies our greatest, largest and most awe-inspiring life forms, the great Plankton-feeding Whales, Mantas, Basking and Whale Sharks, and upon which a billion Seabirds rely for food. The surface is involved in every aspect of Marine Biology and Science, and so - marine education, entertainment and conservation. Hence, the Ocean Surface Centre...


Charlestown will be the home of the OSC, and hopefully a true hub of ocean activity be it tourism and education, or research and conservation.

Located just outside of St Austell, Charlestown is a popular tourist spot with a rich history in China Clay and tall ships, as well as more recently - a set for the TV series Poldark.

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The OSC team is working hard behind the scenes to launch the venue. 

Follow along for updates from the team, more content and behind the scenes info. 

    error: This Content is Copyrighted by The Ocean Surface Centre and it's Contributors.